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Odklenjen iPhone?
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #41   Objavljeno 29.08.2007 17:01:22
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
zanima me kje dobiti hack za razbitje zaščite ter ali je možno klicati ter prejemati klice z tem hekom???

Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 4758
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #42   Objavljeno 29.08.2007 19:00:25
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
darklord je napisal/a:
zanima me kje dobiti hack za razbitje zaščite ter ali je možno klicati ter prejemati klice z tem hekom???


Kterga maš v mislih? Hardwareskega? Softwareskega je Apple skupaj z AT&T in svojim legal departmentom ustavil Smile
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #43   Objavljeno 29.08.2007 21:31:03
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
MitjaP je napisal/a:
darklord je napisal/a:
zanima me kje dobiti hack za razbitje zaščite ter ali je možno klicati ter prejemati klice z tem hekom???


Kterga maš v mislih? Hardwareskega? Softwareskega je Apple skupaj z AT&T in svojim legal departmentom ustavil Smile

res al kaj??? Rabil bi seveda softwearskega, verjetno to nebo glih mojstrov ki ustvarjajo te heke zaustavilo, no vsaj upam kr 10.tega tega meseca dobim zadevo v roke in jo hočem poštimat za naše delovanje. Mitja kaj mi predlagaš??
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 4758
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #44   Objavljeno 30.08.2007 06:08:26
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Če si kaj elektro-maherja, ti predlagam un delni hareveski hack. V 10 korakih ga hekneš.
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #45   Objavljeno 30.08.2007 12:22:20
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
MitjaP je napisal/a:
Če si kaj elektro-maherja, ti predlagam un delni hareveski hack. V 10 korakih ga hekneš.

kater delni hack?? T pomeni da ne dela vse mar ne?? Smile
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #46   Objavljeno 30.08.2007 12:44:45
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
No evo tole je en nov video originalne ekipe za odklepanje iPhona. Izgleda noro preprosto mar ne? Smile


No ce jim bojo AT&T odvetniki preprecili trzenje, upam, da bojo tolk fer in vseeno releasal brezplacno.
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #47   Objavljeno 30.08.2007 20:45:43
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
na bolhi sem že videl, da se prodajajo delujoči iphoni in me zanima kje so ti ljudje staknili hack??
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #48   Objavljeno 30.08.2007 20:48:02
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Ce je kaj elektronikov v njih so ga z hardware hackom odklenil.
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 1819
Kraj: MS

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #49   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 01:16:20
1. odkljenjen iPhone tudi pri nas
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih


Pridružen/a: 12.11.2006
Prispevkov: 164
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #50   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 10:03:33
FAQ z iphonesimfree
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
. Would all the same features still work?

Yes. Except for Visual Voice mail (which is an exclusive AT&T feature), all features currently available on locked phones will be available on unlocked phones. *

2. Is it resistant to updates?

While we have taken all possible measures to ensure that the phone will remain unlocked, we can only guarantee the current released versions of updates (up to and including 1.0.2). With any of these versions, even if the phone is fully restored, the phone will remain unlocked.

3. If I restore my phone will the software still work?

Yes (confirmed up to version 1.02)

4. Is it completely unlocked for voice and data use with any alternative carrier?

We have tested both voice and data extensively in multiple countries, using various different carriers and have found no problems. **

5. Do you still need itunes to activate the phone?

Activating your phone with itunes is not the only method available for activation. In order to use our software you will need to activate your phone through the means of your choice (see question 11)

6. Will the unlock work on phones that have been activated?

Yes, an activated phone is required for our software to work. (see question 5 above)

7. Can I unlock it before the AT&T registration process?


8. Does it work with 1.02 update?


9. Will it work on my network?

If your network supports a standard GSM sim

10. What is the process the end user will go through?

Currently our initial release will require that the end user activate and “jail break” in order to place our app on the phone. (We are working toward a fully automated pc/mac application to be released shortly after launch)

11. Is it easy to install?

Unlike other methods currently available, our software is by far the simplest and quickest to install and set up.

12. How many iphones can I unlock with one license?


13. When can I get it?

We are hoping to release in the next 48-72 hours

14. How much is it?

We are currently working on various pricing structures which will be announced in due course.

15. Payment method?

We are working to offer as many different methods as possible

16. Do you offer 100% money back guarantee if the software does not work?

The unlock WILL work. We cannot offer any guarantee should Apple Inc. choose to re-lock the phone after a future update.

17. How do you deliver the software?

The software will be made available for download once a registered user has made their payment.
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
Ni navedeno

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #51   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 11:05:44
Re: FAQ z iphonesimfree
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Feren je napisal/a:

Tale je bil odklenjen z tistim vodicem za odkleniti v 10 korakih. To sklepam ker je napisal majhen hardwarski poseg (moras narediti kratek stik na enem od vodil) in pa z softwarom (ki je sestavni del tega hacka). Za ta nacin se nikjer nisem zasledil kako odporen je proti upgraom

MuLTI je napisal/a:
. Would all the same features still work?

Yes. Except for Visual Voice mail (which is an exclusive AT&T feature), all features currently available on locked phones will be available on unlocked phones. *

2. Is it resistant to updates?

While we have taken all possible measures to ensure that the phone will remain unlocked, we can only guarantee the current released versions of updates (up to and including 1.0.2). With any of these versions, even if the phone is fully restored, the phone will remain unlocked.

3. If I restore my phone will the software still work?

Yes (confirmed up to version 1.02)

4. Is it completely unlocked for voice and data use with any alternative carrier?

We have tested both voice and data extensively in multiple countries, using various different carriers and have found no problems. **

5. Do you still need itunes to activate the phone?

Activating your phone with itunes is not the only method available for activation. In order to use our software you will need to activate your phone through the means of your choice (see question 11)

6. Will the unlock work on phones that have been activated?

Yes, an activated phone is required for our software to work. (see question 5 above)

7. Can I unlock it before the AT&T registration process?


8. Does it work with 1.02 update?


9. Will it work on my network?

If your network supports a standard GSM sim

10. What is the process the end user will go through?

Currently our initial release will require that the end user activate and ?jail break? in order to place our app on the phone. (We are working toward a fully automated pc/mac application to be released shortly after launch)

11. Is it easy to install?

Unlike other methods currently available, our software is by far the simplest and quickest to install and set up.

12. How many iphones can I unlock with one license?


13. When can I get it?

We are hoping to release in the next 48-72 hours

14. How much is it?

We are currently working on various pricing structures which will be announced in due course.

15. Payment method?

We are working to offer as many different methods as possible

16. Do you offer 100% money back guarantee if the software does not work?

The unlock WILL work. We cannot offer any guarantee should Apple Inc. choose to re-lock the phone after a future update.

17. How do you deliver the software?

The software will be made available for download once a registered user has made their payment.

To so pa FAQ od unlockingiphone.com, kjer garantirajo da zdrzi do firmware 1.0.2. Zaenkrat mi slednji zveni veliko bolj privlacno, saj ni nevarnosti, da zaradi lastne nesposobnosti brickas telefon. Je pa res, da je edini izvedljiv zaenkrat prvi hack.
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #52   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 11:43:26
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
unlockingiphone.com domena mi nekot ne dela, je možno da so jo že ukinili??
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #53   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 12:17:11
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Whoops. Tisto so FAQ iz IphoneSimFree.com

Sem pa zamesal s tole:

Se opravicujem Smile
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 4758
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #54   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 16:53:32
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Today, iphonesimfree should release its iPhone SIM unlocking application.
We could even have a free unlocking solution soon, as promised by a hackers group, "the Deathcorp team", on some forums.
In both cases, nothing is sure, only announcements, while it could also be the perfect timing for releasing a virus or any type of unfriendly trojan.

Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #55   Objavljeno 01.09.2007 18:03:59
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Ja, sem prebral na HardMacu. Sam ni se nic videti novega. Ce pa so to americani bo morda kaj zvecer, oz. po nasem casu ponoci novega.
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 05.03.2007
Prispevkov: 613
Kraj: Maribor
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #56   Objavljeno 02.09.2007 09:31:35
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
jaz sem našel to za aktivacijo.

Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #57   Objavljeno 06.09.2007 19:30:21
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
mitjap dej mi link od te ORIGINAL novice za povrnitev stroškov za iphone saj sem ga jaz nabavil pred 1 tednom in bi rad dobil nazaj teh 200$ nazaj. Gledam po applovem web pejđu in nikjer ne najdem!!!
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 21.04.2007
Prispevkov: 1036
Kraj: Ljubljana
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #58   Objavljeno 06.09.2007 20:02:00
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Darklord, ti je kdo prinesel/si bil sam v USA, ali si nasel kaksno alternatvno pot, da ti dostavijo?

Jaz bi ga tud Smile
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 08.11.2006
Prispevkov: 871
Kraj: Žalec

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #59   Objavljeno 06.09.2007 20:18:08
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
yurry je napisal/a:
Darklord, ti je kdo prinesel/si bil sam v USA, ali si nasel kaksno alternatvno pot, da ti dostavijo?

Jaz bi ga tud Smile

Stvar je takšna, da je moj iphon kupljen pred tednom dni v ameriki, kupi mi ga je bivši sodelavc ki že biva mesec dni gor in pride 10. tega mesca domov (v ponedeljek Very Happy ) tako da bo končala zadeva pri meni v ponedeljek n imam še čas da pridobimo 200$ nazaj zato mi s tole novico prosim čimprej dejte nek trden dokaz, da ga pošljem nazaj v štacuno in da ga ne bodo tam butasto gledali, ko jim bo rekel da bi imel 200$ nazaj!

Yurry drugače pa nekdo na bolhi za 499 eurotov plus 40 za odklep prodaja dotično zadevo
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 4758
Ni navedeno

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #60   Objavljeno 06.09.2007 21:26:36
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Prepozen si za 200 dolarjev, kolker jaz razumem. Če bi včeraj rekel, potem bi še dobil.
Danes obljubljajo le $100 bonusa:


Pošlji ga ASAP tja, mogoče še dobiš 200. Se da kakega za 399 dobit? Razz

Treba pa je uveljavit v 14 dneh od nakupa za povračilo $200.
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