Mac Book Pro 2011 - High Sierra white screen


Pridružen/a: 06.10.2017
Prispevkov: 1

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Prispevek: #1   Objavljeno 06.10.2017 07:34:07
Mac Book Pro 2011 - High Sierra white screen
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih

pognal sem nadgradnjo na high sierra operacijski sistem na macbook pro 2011, 4GB rama.
Na polovici zagona tam kjer je bel logo prikaze belo sliko in tako stoji.
Vcasih pokaze tudi modro.

Probal sem ze vse command-option-r-p
Hardware test pokaze vse ok.
Internet recovery naredi enako na polovici ostane slika bela.

Mi lahko kdo pomaga?

Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 3123
Kraj: Lendava

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Prispevek: #2   Objavljeno 06.10.2017 10:06:38
Re: Mac Book Pro 2011 - High Sierra white screen
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Tukaj pri točki 6 piše:

6. Mac won't start problems after macOS 10.13 High Sierra update
problems with macOS 10.13 won't upgrade from sierra

When the macOS 10.13 install stalls, what's next? Reboot the Mac. However, "My iMac won't boot after macOS 10.13 upgrade. The macOS High Sierra problem continues and I'm tired of the white screen..." It's really frustrating because this is the last step to finish upgrading Mac to macOS 10.13. But unfortunately it's quite common to be unable to boot Mac after High Sierra upgrade, the good thing is that there are some solutions to macOS High Sierra problems with white screen:

* Try cmd + opt + r and install the 10.13 over internet recovery.
* Enable the root user before installation, then disable it.
* Remove any antivirus software on Mac.
* Reboot Mac and install macOS 10.13 High Sierra in Safe Mode.


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Na enem drugem forumu pa sem našel tole:

I was able to find some tutorials about the discrete graphics card needing to be turned off, and was able to do so and load an EFI Booter and get it to install linux, but was never able to get OS X to boot back up.

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Lakho poskusiš še tole foro (sicer za Hackintoshe):

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Moje mnenje (na kratko):
- na mašino z 4 GB RAMA jaz ne bi nalagal High Sierre. Hell, še Sierre ne
- zgoraj piše, da zna bit težava z grafično
- 2011 mašina je sicer še uradno podprta, a nikoli ne veš, kaj vse si zmišljuje Apple, samo, da bi pospešil prodajo novih naprav

Jaz bi na tvojem mestu naložil prejšnji sistem, tisto kar si imel prej gor. Da bo računalnik ostal uporaben.

Lego Macintosh: http://kottke.org/13/02/lego-macintosh
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 29.05.2011
Prispevkov: 608
Kraj: Dragomelj

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #3   Objavljeno 06.10.2017 13:25:03
Re: Mac Book Pro 2011 - High Sierra white screen
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Jaz bi to mašino nadgradil z vsaj še 4 Gb RAM-a in zadeva mora delovati.

Jaz imam še vedno macbook pro 13 late 2011 z i7 + 16 Gb RAM in zadeva zelo lepo deluje na High Sierri. Naredil sem upgrade.

A Sierre pa ne moreš naložiti iz ključka? Ga sploh imaš?

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. (J.M.)

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