Installer ne dela


Pridružen/a: 02.12.2007
Prispevkov: 12
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #1   Objavljeno 03.02.2008 18:07:27
Installer ne dela
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Imam problem in sicer mi installer javlja Error: Package download failed!

Ta problem javlja za katerokoli aplikacijo, ki jo hočem naložiti.

Ve kdo kako to rešiti?

Nalagal nisem ničesar novega, verzija 1.1.2.

Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 17.11.2007
Prispevkov: 311

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #2   Objavljeno 03.02.2008 19:43:10
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
isto je pr men tud k hočm odtrant mi javla eror download failed.

sm da mam jest 1.1.1


Pridružen/a: 08.12.2007
Prispevkov: 40
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #3   Objavljeno 03.02.2008 20:29:36
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Vsi imamo iste probleme...
Jabuk Jedi Master

Jabuk Jedi Master

Pridružen/a: 18.10.2007
Prispevkov: 27231
Kraj: Medvode

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #4   Objavljeno 03.02.2008 20:40:45
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Meni samo pri nekaterih programih to javlja... Predvsem pri tistih iz source-a BigBoss ...


Jabuk Jedi Master

Jabuk Jedi Master

Pridružen/a: 18.10.2007
Prispevkov: 27231
Kraj: Medvode

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #5   Objavljeno 03.02.2008 22:01:06
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Tukaj je odgovor na to, zakaj so problemi pri Installerju:


Most pkg downloads are failing.
Posted February 2nd, 2008 at 5:48 pm by Ste
Filed in: Repo Issues, Site News
Recently, I had to move the serving of my repository’s XML file from the Dreamhost server that was serving it, to a free global caching system (http://coralcdn.org), as my hosting provider was threatening to disable the site due to the high number of connections per second. That move, even though the caching system isn’t perfect, saved the site and Dreamhost left the site alone.

Today, they have throttled a different account of mine - the one that serves 50% of all the zip files. They said that there were too many connections and it was driving up server load. Consequently, the vast majority of all downloads from that server are failing now, and there’s nothing I can do about it. There are two other server, that two other folks graciously let me use, that are currently each serving about 25% of the downloads. They cannot handle more traffic.

I have complained to Dreamhost, pointing out that they have essentially destroyed my site. I also have pointed out to them that they are not providing me the service that my account is supposed to have - namely, 10TB of data transfer a month. I’m not even close to that and they have cut me off and rather ruined things.

I’m not expecting them to change their minds, however.


I’ll try to figure *something* out …


UPDATE: 2008-02-03, 14:55 - I shifted half of the load from the throttled server to one of the other two, temporarily. Now that server is serving 50% on my zip files and the throttled server is only serving 25%. This means that fewer downloads will fail. Also, because it’s an important package, I hard-coded the OpenSSH package to only come from an un-throttled server, so that people can get to it. Make sure you refresh your Installer.app, so that you pick up the change, before trying. -ste


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