Leopard BSOD (Blue Screen of Dead) - pazite pri nadgradnji
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 3123
Kraj: Lendava

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #1   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 09:03:33
Leopard BSOD (Blue Screen of Dead) - pazite pri nadgradnji
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Originalno sporočilo:

October 27, 2007 (Computerworld) -- A significant number of Mac owners upgrading to Leopard on Friday reported that after installing the new operating system, their machines locked up, showing only an interminable -- and very Windows-like -- "blue screen of death."

Easily the heaviest-trafficked thread on the Leopard support forums as of late Friday, "Installation appears stuck on a plain blue screen" told how after a successful Leopard install using the default "Upgrade" option and the required restart, some users' Macs refused to budge from the blue screen. Although many gave up after 30-60 minutes and rebooted, others were more patient and let their Macs be as long as six hours.

"Hmmmm. I feel like a windoze user now," said Doug Mcilvain. I have re-installed and it has been sitting there with a blue screen for 4 1/2 hours."

Almost everyone who added to the thread -- which included more than 200 messages and over 7,400 views by 10:30 p.m. Friday, Pacific time -- selected the Upgrade option. Set as the default, Upgrade is the least intrusive of the three install options. "Most of your existing settings and applications are left untouched during an upgrade," Apple states in an online support document. In fact, some reports speculated that the glitch might be related to a third-party program that installs a base-level framework that modified OS X.

Frustrated users who rebooted to the install DVD then upgraded a second time using the "Archive and Install" option reported success, and no lingering blue screen after restart. "I grew impatient after the first hour and rebooted to DVD and then reinstalled choosing the Archive/Install option," said volksapple. "That worked just fine. Despite this small hiccup, it's far better than any Windows upgrade I've suffered through."

Other users, however, waited it out, or were told to by Apple support personnel. One user, James Mitchell9, said the blue screen finally vanished at the 75-min. mark. Others claimed they had been told the long blue-screen-of-pause could last as long as two, or even three, hours.

Still others jumped in with instructions to manually uninstall APE (Application Enhancer), a framework created by Unsanity LLC for use with its Mac customizing haxies such as ShapeShifter. "Please note that this does involve manipulation of files from the root prompt," cautioned Chris Mcculloh, who first made the suggestion. "This is not for the faint of heart, or those who are unfamiliar with the UNIX file system/command structure."

Mcculloh listed the steps as:

* Reboot into single-user mode (hold Command-S while booting)
* Remove the following files by typing each line below:
rm -rf /Library/Preference Panes/Application Enhancer.prefpane
rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Application Enhancer.framework
rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application Enhancer.bundle
rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.ape.plist
* Exit, to continue booting normally, type:

For those who have not yet installed Leopard, the Unsanity APE app provides an uninstaller that can be used first to remove the framework before the new OS is installed. Alternatively, users can use the "archive and install" option, which places a new copy of Leopard on the user's computer while moving older OS files to another folder. That would have the effect of moving the potentially offending APE software to a location where it can do little to interfere with the installation process.

Apple was not available for comment Friday night, but an Australian user claimed support said the phones had been ringing "non-stop" over the problem since 9 a.m. local time. Australia was one of the first countries where Mac users got their hands on Leopard.

A few took the install screw-up in stride, or at least kept their sense of humor. "I don't remember seeing the option in setup under Installation Type that said 'Wait indefinitely while you stare at a blue screen and eventually go mad'," said Phill Horrocks1.

A significant number of Mac owners upgrading to Leopard on Friday reported that after installing the new operating system, their machines locked up, showing only an interminable -- and very Windows-like -- "blue screen of death."

Povezava: ComputerWorld.com

Nazadnje urejal/a opeter Ned 28. Okt 2007 10:49; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 4758
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #2   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 09:26:26
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Točno to se je zgodilo meni Smile
Jabužiček helper

Jabužiček helper

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 303
Kraj: Ruše
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Prispevek: #3   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 09:29:48
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Hvala za nasvet! Ravno to sem imel nameščeno, zdaj sem se znebil tega, jutri pa v Gradec po Family Pack. Very Happy


Pridružen/a: 28.10.2007
Prispevkov: 181
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #4   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 14:49:57
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
trenutno uporabljam leoparda brez kakršnihkoli težav. tudi transfer je lepo opravil svoje delo edino razočaran sem ker še vedno ni odpravljena napaka firewire portov pri novih iMacih


Pridružen/a: 29.05.2007
Prispevkov: 104
Kraj: Maribor
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #5   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 18:03:56
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Včeraj sem v Graz-u nabavil Leoparda.
Po backup-u Tigra na FW zunanji disk (ziher je ziher) sem naredil clean install in zadeva deluje zaenkrat brezhibno.
Odzivnost sistema je boljša, Safari leti...
Spaces so luštni, Time Machine še nisem preiskusil, novi prikaz omrežnih povezav je super, Quick Look je odlična stvar...

Brez BSOD zaenkrat. Smile

Edino kar me moti je dejstvo, da zunanje audio in MIDI naprave sistem ne spozna.
Gonilniki za Tigra očitno ne delajo v Leopardu. Tudi določeni audio software (InTone Guitar Pro) se redno sesuva. Preveril sem na uradnih straneh proizvajalcev in baje naj bi zadeve porihtali v bljižnji prihodnosti.

Roko na srce nekih drastičnih razlik naspram Tigra ni.


Pridružen/a: 04.02.2007
Prispevkov: 6

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #6   Objavljeno 28.10.2007 23:09:09
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
de@n je napisal/a:

Edino kar me moti je dejstvo, da zunanje audio in MIDI naprave sistem ne spozna.
Gonilniki za Tigra očitno ne delajo v Leopardu. Tudi določeni audio software (InTone Guitar Pro) se redno sesuva. Preveril sem na uradnih straneh proizvajalcev in baje naj bi zadeve porihtali v bljižnji prihodnosti.

Roko na srce nekih drastičnih razlik naspram Tigra ni.

Katerega proizvajalca? Imam M-Audio FW410 in tudi nameravam ta teden nadgradit na Leoparda, pa upam da ne bom imel težav glede tega. Na uradni strani še ni novih gonilnikov.


Pridružen/a: 28.10.2007
Prispevkov: 181
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #7   Objavljeno 29.10.2007 01:36:34
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
vam je še dobr, kaj nej jaz, ki sploh ne morem koristit svoje RME kartice zato ker imajo novi iMaci očitne errore z FW400 portom Crying or Very sad


Pridružen/a: 29.05.2007
Prispevkov: 104
Kraj: Maribor
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #8   Objavljeno 29.10.2007 06:41:50
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
deluxe je napisal/a:
de@n je napisal/a:

Edino kar me moti je dejstvo, da zunanje audio in MIDI naprave sistem ne spozna.
Gonilniki za Tigra očitno ne delajo v Leopardu. Tudi določeni audio software (InTone Guitar Pro) se redno sesuva. Preveril sem na uradnih straneh proizvajalcev in baje naj bi zadeve porihtali v bljižnji prihodnosti.

Roko na srce nekih drastičnih razlik naspram Tigra ni.

Katerega proizvajalca? Imam M-Audio FW410 in tudi nameravam ta teden nadgradit na Leoparda, pa upam da ne bom imel težav glede tega. Na uradni strani še ni novih gonilnikov.

Ne deluje mi M-Audio MidiSport 2x2 (USB). Poiskušal sem vse (nove/stare gonilnike) vendar zadevo ne uspem osposobiti. Na uradni strani zatrjujejo, da bobo zadevo hitro uredili.
By the way..., Onyx se več ne da namestiti (vsaj trenutna verzija), programi za monitoring baterije na PowerBooku ne delujejo oz. kažejo nenormalne vrednosti.
Opažam tudi, da je sistem bolj požrešen glede RAM-a (zasedenost RAM-a je približno 20-30% višja)

Kakorkoli, Tigra še imam varno nameščenega na zunanjem FW disku tako, da trenutno nedelojoči HW poganjam na ta način.
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 3123
Kraj: Lendava

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #9   Objavljeno 29.10.2007 08:19:24
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Kot pravi stari rek: ne zamenjaj tisto, kar deluje Wink
Jabužiček helper

Jabužiček helper

Pridružen/a: 04.02.2006
Prispevkov: 1347
Kraj: iMB
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #10   Objavljeno 01.11.2007 09:08:39
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Foljk pravi, da iste tezave zna povzrocit tudi Logitechov Control Center, ki svoje akcije podpira z APE.

Jaz sem imel instalirano oboje, vendar sem pri instalaciji Leoparda uporabil moznost Archive.

APE mora biti zadnje verzije, da to te tezave ne pride.
Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

Pridružen/a: 20.06.2007
Prispevkov: 596
Kraj: LJ
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #11   Objavljeno 17.11.2007 15:30:53
Re: Leopard BSOD (Blue Screen of Dead) - pazite pri nadgradn
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
opeter je napisal/a:
Originalno sporočilo:

October 27, 2007 (Computerworld) -- A significant number of Mac owners upgrading to Leopard on Friday reported that after installing the new operating system, their machines locked up, showing only an interminable -- and very Windows-like -- "blue screen of death."

Easily the heaviest-trafficked thread on the Leopard support forums as of late Friday, "Installation appears stuck on a plain blue screen" told how after a successful Leopard install using the default "Upgrade" option and the required restart, some users' Macs refused to budge from the blue screen. Although many gave up after 30-60 minutes and rebooted, others were more patient and let their Macs be as long as six hours.

"Hmmmm. I feel like a windoze user now," said Doug Mcilvain. I have re-installed and it has been sitting there with a blue screen for 4 1/2 hours."

Almost everyone who added to the thread -- which included more than 200 messages and over 7,400 views by 10:30 p.m. Friday, Pacific time -- selected the Upgrade option. Set as the default, Upgrade is the least intrusive of the three install options. "Most of your existing settings and applications are left untouched during an upgrade," Apple states in an online support document. In fact, some reports speculated that the glitch might be related to a third-party program that installs a base-level framework that modified OS X.

Frustrated users who rebooted to the install DVD then upgraded a second time using the "Archive and Install" option reported success, and no lingering blue screen after restart. "I grew impatient after the first hour and rebooted to DVD and then reinstalled choosing the Archive/Install option," said volksapple. "That worked just fine. Despite this small hiccup, it's far better than any Windows upgrade I've suffered through."

Other users, however, waited it out, or were told to by Apple support personnel. One user, James Mitchell9, said the blue screen finally vanished at the 75-min. mark. Others claimed they had been told the long blue-screen-of-pause could last as long as two, or even three, hours.

Still others jumped in with instructions to manually uninstall APE (Application Enhancer), a framework created by Unsanity LLC for use with its Mac customizing haxies such as ShapeShifter. "Please note that this does involve manipulation of files from the root prompt," cautioned Chris Mcculloh, who first made the suggestion. "This is not for the faint of heart, or those who are unfamiliar with the UNIX file system/command structure."

Mcculloh listed the steps as:

* Reboot into single-user mode (hold Command-S while booting)
* Remove the following files by typing each line below:
rm -rf /Library/Preference Panes/Application Enhancer.prefpane
rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/Application Enhancer.framework
rm -rf /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Application Enhancer.bundle
rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.unsanity.ape.plist
* Exit, to continue booting normally, type:

For those who have not yet installed Leopard, the Unsanity APE app provides an uninstaller that can be used first to remove the framework before the new OS is installed. Alternatively, users can use the "archive and install" option, which places a new copy of Leopard on the user's computer while moving older OS files to another folder. That would have the effect of moving the potentially offending APE software to a location where it can do little to interfere with the installation process.

Apple was not available for comment Friday night, but an Australian user claimed support said the phones had been ringing "non-stop" over the problem since 9 a.m. local time. Australia was one of the first countries where Mac users got their hands on Leopard.

A few took the install screw-up in stride, or at least kept their sense of humor. "I don't remember seeing the option in setup under Installation Type that said 'Wait indefinitely while you stare at a blue screen and eventually go mad'," said Phill Horrocks1.

A significant number of Mac owners upgrading to Leopard on Friday reported that after installing the new operating system, their machines locked up, showing only an interminable -- and very Windows-like -- "blue screen of death."

Povezava: ComputerWorld.com

Tole navodilo pri meni ni rešilo nič.

Je pa deloval tale set komand v Single user mode-u:

1. /sbin/fsck -fy
2. /sbin/mount -uw /
3. rm -rf System/Library/SystemConfiguration/ApplicationEnhancer.bundle
4. reboot


Pridružen/a: 27.04.2008
Prispevkov: 23
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #12   Objavljeno 05.05.2008 17:24:40
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
hmmm kaksne tezave???
Jest sem instalerala Leoparda v avtu ko sem se vozila iz sestanka domow trajalo je okoli 30min. Na bateriji. Tega si nebi upala z mojim laptopom ki ima instalerano Visto(sej se spolh nebi instalerala Vista na Laptopa ce nebi biwv Prklopln na El. Umrezje..1bad fore vista in the start...kaj sele pol...glava buli pa naj bi bla Windows Vista Ultimate...huh??? sm slisala Ultimate. Ce se le da kupte MAC-A!!!
In kolkr se jih da omrezje z windows racunalniki ni isto kt z Mac-racunalniki(povno kod frustracije pa se velikrat te uprasa ce si preprican da hocs to nardit-govorim o Visti k jo mamo pr ns doma...newem ce mate vi bolse izkusnje z Visto)


Pridružen/a: 04.02.2009
Prispevkov: 1
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #13   Objavljeno 04.02.2009 00:39:55
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Meni od vsega navedenega ni nič pomagalo. Crying or Very sad Sem pa naredu eno velko napako z uporabo Multilingual, kjer sem pomotoma pobrisal poleg vseh jezikov še angleščino (pustil le slovenščino). Sedaj imam blue screen, logiram se lahko le v single mode, bootanje Leopardovega DVD-ja ne dela (z uporabo tipke C) s čimer bi probal ponovno inštalirati angleščino.

Je imel kdo podobno težavo in zna rešiti ta problem??
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 15.02.2009
Prispevkov: 770
Kraj: Ljubljana

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #14   Objavljeno 01.06.2009 13:55:43
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Na mojem zaslonu so 4 megapixli malce preveč modre barve. Seveda jih ob uporabi težko opazim ampak so vidni ravno toliko, da se jih vidi.

Kakšna ideja?
Stevie Wozniak

Stevie Wozniak

Pridružen/a: 28.09.2008
Prispevkov: 1126
Kraj: Ruše

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #15   Objavljeno 07.07.2009 08:38:59
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
mat13 je napisal/a:
Na mojem zaslonu so 4 megapixli malce preveč modre barve. Seveda jih ob uporabi težko opazim ampak so vidni ravno toliko, da se jih vidi.

Kakšna ideja?

4 miljone pixlov je preveč modre barve? Ker 4 megapix pomeni 4 miljone...

Očitno so zanič, če vsi ostali kažejo prave barve. Pozanimaj se na servisu kak pa kaj.
Ne moreš dodajati novih tem
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Ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov
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