Obeta se rešitev za BB 6.15.00
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

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Prispevek: #1   Objavljeno 12.06.2011 23:33:15
Obeta se rešitev za BB 6.15.00
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
It’s been a while since we last heard about baseband related hacks from the iPhone Dev Team.

sherif_hashim is bringing some good news for us today – he managed to erase the files on a baseband chip that has modem firmware 6.15.00. Technically, according to him, you can reflash the baseband with an earlier version of iOS that has baseband 5.13.04 or lower.

In his Twitter:

Successfully erased the 6.15 BB files http://twitpic.com/51co5p , should accept new BB flash files now, or at least i thought so Smile

This is probably the best news we’ve heard since… mmm…. ages ago.

The image above shows Firmware Version as “unknown,” pretty much like a hard disk ready to receive data for writing.

This is how we believe the process should work:

Erase baseband 6.15.00 files with the hack developed by sherif_hashim (Erasing a baseband chip is very risky! You may end up bricking your device)
Create custom firmware with baseband 5.13.04 or lower, for iPhone 3G, restore directly via iTunes with firmware 4.0.1 or below, for 3GS, if you have SHSH for 4.0.1, you restore to this version
Restore successful with baseband 5.13.04 or lower
Jailbreak and install ultrasn0w 1.2.3 to unlock
GPS fixed!

Let’s hope that there will be more good news as people are desperate to get their GPS back. At the same time, those who are stuck with baseband 5.14.02, 5.15.04 and 5.16.02 may finally be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Jabuk Staff

Jabuk Staff

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Prispevek: #2   Objavljeno 13.06.2011 06:46:04
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Slike ni več Smile Drugače pa link?
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Jabuk Jedi Master

Jabuk Jedi Master

Pridružen/a: 18.10.2007
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Prispevek: #3   Objavljeno 13.06.2011 07:07:50
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
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Pridružen/a: 16.04.2011
Prispevkov: 10

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Prispevek: #4   Objavljeno 13.06.2011 16:43:34
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Novica je stara že skoraj en mesec in da vas še razočaram s tem je potem gospod Sherif Hashim uničil telefon. Tako, da še čakat Smile
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