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Povabila na BS


Pridružen/a: 22.11.2010
Prispevkov: 1270

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Prispevek: #721   Objavljeno 09.03.2023 18:41:52
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Konec zastonj programske opreme za Mac. Treba bo kupovati pregrešno drage programe. Kot kaže so jim ponudili dovolj denarja, da se je splačalo zapreti tracker.

Najprej , potem pa žena in otroci.
Stevie Wozniak

Stevie Wozniak

Pridružen/a: 28.09.2010
Prispevkov: 1312

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Prispevek: #722   Objavljeno 09.03.2023 19:56:03
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Koliko denarja bi ti hotel, da bi nehal trolati po vseh forumih?
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 05.09.2009
Prispevkov: 314

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Prispevek: #723   Objavljeno 10.03.2023 08:43:25
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Brez skrbi, ni BS edini tracker. So še alternative Smile
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 01.01.2013
Prispevkov: 952
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Prispevek: #724   Objavljeno 10.03.2023 10:55:37
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Mr.Random je napisal/a:
Brez skrbi, ni BS edini tracker. So še alternative Smile

Maš kakšno pametno, ki bi imela vsaj podoben version history kot BS?


Pridružen/a: 02.01.2012
Prispevkov: 118

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Prispevek: #725   Objavljeno 10.03.2023 12:44:33
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Čudno mi je, da je samo nehal obstajati, ker ni bilo nobenega obvestila.
So pa ravno preselili in po mojem so tukaj naleteli na težave in jih bodo rešili.

Drugače, veliko je govora o alternativah, noben pa ne pove konkretno. Bi lepo prosil za kak info.

Hvala in lp
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 14.03.2008
Prispevkov: 1574

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Prispevek: #726   Objavljeno 10.03.2023 21:37:11
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Zgleda, da je zgodbe z brokenstones konec...vsaj po IRC-u sdeč.

* Now talking in #brokenstones
* Topic is 'phrog killed BrokenStones | BS is dead | Farewell'
* Set by spiffyhippo on Fri Mar 10 20:37:29 2023

 MacBook Pro (Late 2016) 2.7 GHz, 16 GB, SSD 512 GB, Radeon 455 2 GB
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 24.07.2007
Prispevkov: 2077
Kraj: Celje

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Prispevek: #727   Objavljeno 11.03.2023 13:38:39
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Tole je povzetek tega kar se je dogajalo:

Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 01.01.2013
Prispevkov: 952
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Prispevek: #728   Objavljeno 11.03.2023 15:02:29
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
duhec28 je napisal/a:
Čudno mi je, da je samo nehal obstajati, ker ni bilo nobenega obvestila.
So pa ravno preselili in po mojem so tukaj naleteli na težave in jih bodo rešili.

Drugače, veliko je govora o alternativah, noben pa ne pove konkretno. Bi lepo prosil za kak info.

Hvala in lp

Velika večina govori o MacBB, ampak gre za filesharing forum in ne tracker. Tako da ni isto. TeamOS tracker ima nekaj MacOS appov, ampak nič posebnega.
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 27.03.2008
Prispevkov: 3761
Kraj: ThePirateBay....

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #729   Objavljeno 11.03.2023 23:22:43
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
3 days ago
· edited 3 days ago

The server and data is still under the control of phrog, with the support of maddog (long time donations handler and server owner), myself, and some other admins.

The (new) domain, broken-stones.club is under control of dry201 and he removed the DNS records.

The old domain was owned by a long gone sysadmin and can't be updated, which is what necessitated the name change during server migration (old server was failing, and if you move it you have to update the DNS, which we didn't control)

There was a redirect that was on the old brokenstones.org domain (at the old server) but it's been removed temporarily, but it seems like there is a login issue, so I'd just be patient and wait.

At this point we'll have to get a new domain, so that's being worked on, updates to come.

I had hoped to mediate between dry201 and MacDemon and the other admins but at this point in time they haven't engaged in discussion with me despite reaching out.

I temporarily have SysOp powers but intend to leave things under legacy control as soon as the site is back up and stable, and drop down to a developer role.


Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 01.01.2013
Prispevkov: 952
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Prispevek: #730   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 01:30:54
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
techietrash in phrog sta glavna krivca za tole. To kar je on napisal, ne vem če ravno drži.
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 27.03.2008
Prispevkov: 3761
Kraj: ThePirateBay....

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #731   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 11:18:10
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
nf7 je napisal/a:
techietrash in phrog sta glavna krivca za tole. To kar je on napisal, ne vem če ravno drži.

Verjetno ne bomo nikoli vedeli kaj je bil razlog ampak pomoje kak keš od donacij kdo je krivec pa nekdo od njih zdaj vsi omenjajo phroga za dry21 sem pa siguren da je ok guy.

Upajmo, da se po kakem čudežu vrnejo.


Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 14.03.2008
Prispevkov: 1574

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #732   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 11:22:24
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
[07:45] <@phrog> wow that's a positive topic
03[07:46] * phrog changes topic to 'phrog did not kill BS | sit tight.'
[07:49] <humperdoo> Razz~
[07:49] <humperdoo> hi phrog
[07:49] <@phrog> hiya humperdoo Smile
[07:49] <humperdoo> what's the latest?
[07:52] <@phrog> looks like we are building a new staff Razz
[07:52] <humperdoo> is it just you?
[07:53] <humperdoo> or who's staying on
[07:53] <@phrog> i guess when the site comes up we will see who logs back in
[07:54] <@phrog> crazy all the spin. Neutral
[07:55] <humperdoo> ya lots of he-said, she-said
[07:59] <@phrog> cooler heads will prevail.
[08:00] <humperdoo> should we just hang in this channel for now?
[08:01] <humperdoo> irc coming back?
[08:02] <@phrog> well the server i built was deleted so I have to start over on the irc stuff
03[08:02] * shockme17_ (~shockme17@P2PNET-A7FB7DD8.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #brokenstones
[08:02] <humperdoo> damn
[08:02] <@phrog> but yeah I will bring it back after the site.
[08:02] <@phrog> yeah i was in irc with you fine pplz when they killed it on me
[08:03] <humperdoo> so someone else deleted everything
03[08:03] * BV (~BV@BV.is.an.enigma) has joined #brokenstones
[08:04] <BV> damn what happened
[08:04] <BV> phrog is back? and claiming he did not kill BS
[08:04] <BV> care to give us a clear explanation?
[08:04] <BV> i asked you for one on RED before you were banned on there
[08:04] <@phrog> yeah why would i do that.. i worked my ass off to fix it
02[08:04] * balrog (znc@P2PNET-605FF5DB.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 365 seconds)
[08:04] <BV> i respect what you did there
[08:04] <BV> you fixed it
[08:04] <@phrog> remember how it was down for 2 months?
[08:04] <BV> what happened with you and dry201 and macdemon
[08:04] <BV> i do remember
[08:05] <BV> and i give you credit
[08:05] <@phrog> thanks
[08:05] <BV> but what happened with dry201 and macdemon
[08:05] <@phrog> they dont like the golden rules
[08:05] <BV> what golden rules
[08:05] <@phrog> they did not like when they applied to them.
[08:06] <BV> all i know is they stewarded the site for almost a decade, and published almsot a third of the site's uploads
[08:06] <BV> and though many disagreed with some of their moderation decisions, they did a solid job keeping the community together
02[08:06] * shockme17 (~shockme17@P2PNET-A7FB7DD8.nycap.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
[08:06] <BV> just would love some clarity because it seems to many of us that you came in, disagreed with their actions, then decided to usurp the site, demote them without consensus
[08:06] <BV> and thus killed the site
[08:07] <BV> and that any new brokenstones you make will seem to be stolen from people who worked really hard to build it up o ver many years
[08:07] <BV> correct me if i am incorrect
03[08:07] * balrog (znc@P2PNET-53F9DFC7.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #brokenstones
[08:08] <@phrog> you are incorrect Razz
[08:08] <BV> then give us information
[08:08] <BV> we are in the dark
[08:08] <@phrog> but i dont air dirty laundy like dry does.
[08:09] <@phrog> you saw his news post. that should never happen.
[08:09] <BV> it might have been impulsive
[08:09] <BV> but was there reason for it
[08:10] <@phrog> not imo
[08:10] <BV> so, without telling us the dirty laundry
[08:10] <@phrog> what reason would justify that?
[08:10] <BV> you tell us
[08:11] <BV> within 60 days of joining staff, after you having fixed the site
[08:11] <BV> and moving it to a new server
[08:11] <BV> why did you feel the need to demote them unilaterally
[08:11] <BV> what happened
[08:12] <BV> if you want to say, it's dirty laundry i dont want to share, thats fine, but the laundry is already hanging over the p2p community, and without your input but with his, people are inclined to take his side
[08:12] <BV> so we'd love to hear your side
[08:12] <@phrog> do you think it would help? cuz i think it would just be more backscatter
[08:13] <BV> actually it would
[08:13] <@phrog> bottom line is, dry/MD had no idea how to run the site
[08:15] <BV> anything else to add
03[08:16] * benrogers (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) has joined #brokenstones
[08:16] <BV> thats very vague, considering even though many of their decisions could have been disagreed with (i think even they would reconsider some of their decisions in retrospect), they maintained the site for many years until the code started to break down, and were reponsible for uploading 33%+ of the site's content
02[08:16] * benrogers (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) Quit (Quit: benrogers)
[08:16] <BV> would love a deep dive
[08:16] <BV> into your thinking
[08:19] <@phrog> I dont feel like i need my story copypasta'ed into reddit.
[08:19] <@phrog> when we open we can talk in forms.
[08:20] <BV> i would love to believe you but it feels like you are deflecting
[08:20] <BV> i'm not asking for a billion character essay
[08:20] <BV> just some basic questions
[08:20] <@phrog> ake them
[08:20] <@phrog> ask^
[08:20] <BV> we did, they gave answers
[08:20] <BV> it's you that hasn't
[08:20] <@phrog> be specific enought for me to anser
[08:20] <BV> 1. why did you feel they were not able to run the site? why did you feel the need to usurp control?
[08:21] <BV> 2. why did the conflict that ensued result in the destruction of brokenstones?
[08:21] <BV> 3. to what extent was techietrash involved with you? did techietrash contact you after the fallout and offer to help mediate? how did that go?
[08:21] <BV> 4. what were the results of your discussions with dry? macdemon? maddog?
[08:21] <BV> 5. what do you see as the future of brokenstones
[08:24] <BV> 6. why did you de-op or kick/ban spiffyhippo from here?
[08:24] <@phrog> 1) their own admissions to me. and i did not need to usrp, it was not my intent to take away anything from them.
[08:25] <@phrog> and i still would let them right back in.
[08:26] <@phrog> also, dry had control, he was syspo enought to make the news post. none of his privliages were remove until after the attacks.
[08:28] <humperdoo> spiffyhippo was not deopped/kicked/banned from here, he left of his own accord
[08:28] <humperdoo> <-- | spiffyhippo (~spiffyhip@9FB9B908.7B796A8A.796AD7A8.IP) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:28] <@phrog> 2) dry blew a gasket. went full attack mode. possibly because i moderated MD from aruging in staff forums.
[08:30] <@phrog> 3) best guy ever. I hope he continues to be suppportive of BS. he tried to get conversation going but afaik dry was unwilling.
[08:31] <@phrog> 4) was none.
[08:31] <@phrog> well wait.. not true maddog and i had some emails.
[08:32] <@phrog> maddog is alright, i have no problems with him Smile
[08:33] <@phrog> he was supportive of me.
[08:34] <@phrog> 5) up the community, as the last news post said. I do want to get the site back online.
[08:34] <@phrog> 6) did not happen
[08:34] <BV> thank you for your answers
[08:34] <BV> we really do appreciate them
[08:34] <BV> i hope you understand that as a community we are quite pissed off and frustrated
[08:35] <@phrog> yeah, how do you think i feel?
[08:35] <BV> it feels like something we all supported and worked for was destroyed by personal conflit and bullshit
[08:35] <@phrog> well let me say this. who did that?
[08:35] <BV> thats a good question
[08:36] <BV> if you really felt like dry201 and macdemon were not fit to run a mac tracker site, why not start a new one? why unilaterally demote and take the site and make it your own>
[08:36] <@phrog> i think they are great at what they do/did. and i support them to continue.
[08:37] <@phrog> i did not demote untill after the attack so get the strait.
[08:38] <@phrog> bv have you been staff?
[08:38] <@phrog> anyplace?
[08:38] <BV> at a tracker?
[08:38] <@phrog> ya
[08:38] <@phrog> gazelle
[08:38] <BV> no, i don't need the headache XD
[08:38] <BV> gazelle ocelot trackers seem very complicated from a code perspective
[08:39] <BV> plus, moderation, consensus, these things sound hard to foster
[08:39] <BV> i cant imagine the troubles it brings
[08:40] <@phrog> yeah that is why the rules are important to all
[08:40] <BV> but it does make sense that you didn't demote until after the news post
[08:40] <BV> if you had they would not have been able to make the post
[08:40] <BV> but what led to them making the post
[08:40] <BV> it's still unclear, other than their distrust of you and feelings about the situation, a situation we still dont know what was
[08:41] <BV> also, once you got the site back up again
[08:41] <BV> on the .is domain
[08:41] <BV> why did it go down
[08:42] <@phrog> well i don't know why they dont trust me.
[08:42] <@phrog> wehn dry took his domain name and went home we needed another to point at the server
[08:43] <@phrog> then when were recofigured the gazelle to work on the new domain.. (not as easy and you'd think) he was not happy with us returning
[08:45] <@phrog> next he made make a shitshow of everything, and i think he put pressure on maddog to turn off the server. and maddog emailed me he would keep it running till the billing cycle ended. at the end of the month.
[08:46] <@phrog> thats why i put the effort into the new domain
[08:46] <@phrog> hoping to keep it up for the month.
[08:46] <BV> my understanding is that the original server was under unknown ownership, the original domain were under maddog's stewardship. the new domain (the one with the hyphen) was under dry201 control. but that the server and the .is domain were under you
[08:47] <BV> and that you spearheaded the migration to the hyphen domain and new server
[08:47] <@phrog> the original server is toasting itself with a bad hard drive. thats why we got the new one
[08:47] <BV> makes sense
[08:47] <BV> can't be on a dying server
[08:47] <@phrog> and nobody has the old domain
[08:48] <BV> someone must have the old domain, otherwise how would the 'see you space cowboy' message be posted there
[08:48] <@phrog> i put that up
[08:49] <BV> oh word
[08:49] <BV> this is just so fucked up
[08:49] <BV> like, brokenstones was so important
02[08:49] * LysergicAcid (~LysergicA@B5295D1D.8638E1C.5B384C7A.IP) Quit (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
[08:49] <BV> and now its jusst dead
[08:49] <@phrog> *is*
[08:50] <BV> for what feels like no reason at all
03[08:50] * LysergicAcid (~LysergicA@B5295D1D.8638E1C.5B384C7A.IP) has joined #brokenstones
[08:50] <@phrog> yeah exactly
[08:50] <@phrog> it's not dead Smile
[08:51] <BV> sort of it is. few will trust the new brokenstones. too much bad blood
[08:51] <BV> and without uploaders responsible for a plurality of its content, how will it survive
[08:52] <@phrog> we will see
[08:52] <BV> a torrent site is not just a brand name, it's a community
[08:52] <@phrog> 3/4 of the user never post in the forums.
[08:52] <BV> thats fair
[08:52] <BV> and true
[08:53] <BV> but if you did nothing wrong, why do you think you got banned from all the major trackers? i see you are off RED/PTP/BTN. i tried to message you on RED about this incident but you were banned so i assume you never saw
[08:54] <BV> and is there a world in which you help reestablish brokenstones but then step aside and let people who are untainted (no one involved in the snafu) take the reins?
[08:58] <@phrog> yeah thats always been my plan
[08:58] <@phrog> i never wanted a mac warez tracker, just wanted to help keep it up
[08:58] <BV> but then why take it from dry and mac
[08:58] <@phrog> but when i got in.. nobody was there to help
[08:59] <BV> why not just fix it and step down
[08:59] <@phrog> so it was me doing it all myself
[08:59] <BV> and say, now its your problem, if it breaks again im not around
[08:59] <BV> just like i can freely admit that you saved the site from dying when its code faltered
[09:00] <@phrog> i will try and find some capable people to run it, i dont want to set it up to fail
[09:00] <BV> im sure you can agree they kept it going for the many years when it was flailing but still updated in terms of fresh torrents and moderaion
[09:02] <BV> also you skipped the question about being banned everywhere
[09:02] <BV> do you want to get unbanned
[09:04] <@phrog> it would not suck.
03[09:04:27] * Guest19 (~textual@P2PNET-BBA0785A.ip.linodeusercontent.com) has joined #brokenstones
[09:04:56] <@phrog> im wondering a bit how that happened.
[09:05:37] <BV> i mean, it's mostly because p2p has decided that you are the bad guy
[09:05:55] <BV> like, you came in, fixed the ist
[09:05:57] <BV> site*
[09:06:04] <@phrog> becasue i would not fight with dry in public. heh
[09:06:14] <BV> then decided, ok i am now king of the site, i will remove the longtime leaders of the site
[09:06:24] <BV> and then the site died within days
[09:06:29] <@phrog> thts not what happened.
[09:06:39] <@phrog> he took it down
[09:06:39] <BV> in the absence of information from your end, that is what apperas to have happened
[09:06:55] <@phrog> yeah pitchforks
[09:07:32] <BV> also, this is why i ask, because i'd rather hear from all parties than jump to conclusions
[09:07:44] <BV> im just reiterating the message that has been percievef
[09:07:48] <BV> percieved*
[09:08:12] <BV> if i thought you were this evil guy i would not engage, i'd just say fuck you and quit
[09:08:31] <BV> so i hope you don't take my difficult quesitons negatively
03[09:08:34] * Guest75 (Guest75@P2PNET-A9A7E6CE.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #brokenstones
03[09:09:26] * captain69 (~captain69@B3B6746D:8B506A29:B8B4291B:IP) has joined #brokenstones
[09:10:04] <Guest75> Hello, what's the current brokenstones link? I cleared my history and only remember brokenstones.club
[09:11:00] <Guest19> it's gone
[09:11:04] <Guest19> phrog killed it
[09:11:19] <@phrog> lol
[09:11:23] <Guest75> i see, i thought last message was some link took me a new website broken-stones something
[09:11:24] <Guest19> here he is
03[09:11:24] * phrog sets mode: +b *!*textual@*.ip.linodeusercontent.com
03[09:11:25] * Guest19 was kicked by phrog (phrog)
[09:12:42] <unsungzero> /mode #brokenstones +b Guest*!*@*
[09:12:50] <unsungzero> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
03[09:13:27] * phrog sets mode: +b Guest*!*@*
03[09:13:41] * phrog sets mode: +o unsungzero
[09:13:49] <@phrog> start kicking unsungzero Smile
[09:13:55] <humperdoo> oh no
03[09:13:58] * Guest10 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:01] * Guest15519 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:05] * Guest19781 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:08] * Guest34 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:11] * Guest4268 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:14] * Guest44428 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
03[09:14:17] * Guest75 was kicked by unsungzero (unsungzero)
[09:14:59] <@phrog> best idea of the day goes to unsungzero ????
[09:18:42] <humperdoo> spared
03[09:24:04] * poosandras (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) has joined #brokenstones
02[09:24:46] * poosandras (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) Quit (Quit: poosandras)
03[09:25:42] * poosandras (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) has joined #brokenstones
02[09:26:15] * poosandras (~benrogers@P2PNET-FDD85D2F.catv.pool.telekom.hu) Quit (Quit: poosandras)
03[09:30:34] * benrogers (~textual@12E660DD:47D124B2:75169AD0:IP) has joined #brokenstones
03[09:32:00] * superbaked (~420@P2PNET-A7C31231.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #brokenstones
03[09:32:22] * gggg (5f1deb78@P2PNET-63C83AD.mibbit.com) has joined #brokenstones
03[09:32:27] * superbaked (~420@P2PNET-A7C31231.dyn.optonline.net) has left #brokenstones (toke it)
[09:39:24] <@phrog> ./logsb
[09:39:39] <@phrog> whoops Razz

 MacBook Pro (Late 2016) 2.7 GHz, 16 GB, SSD 512 GB, Radeon 455 2 GB
Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 14.03.2008
Prispevkov: 1574

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #733   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 11:23:18
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Če koga zanima lahko prebere še mnenje phrog-a

 MacBook Pro (Late 2016) 2.7 GHz, 16 GB, SSD 512 GB, Radeon 455 2 GB
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 01.01.2013
Prispevkov: 952
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #734   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 13:07:59
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
lordjimy je napisal/a:
Če koga zanima lahko prebere še mnenje phrog-a

Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 27.03.2008
Prispevkov: 3761
Kraj: ThePirateBay....

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #735   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 13:21:19
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
nf7 je napisal/a:



Stevie Jobs

Stevie Jobs

Pridružen/a: 14.03.2008
Prispevkov: 1574

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #736   Objavljeno 12.03.2023 20:53:25
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Glede na vso dramo, ki se dogaja bi samo dodal, da mi je po eni strani vseeno, če pride tracker nazaj online ali pa ne.
Glede na vsa pravila, ki so jih imeli je bilo tako ali tako težko imeti dober ratio. Da si takoj izgubil invite, ker nekdo ni uspel imeti dober ratio od teh, ki si jih povabil je bil tudi en bulšit.

Bo pa na koncu vseeno tracker prišel nazaj online, ko se bodo ohladile glave.

 MacBook Pro (Late 2016) 2.7 GHz, 16 GB, SSD 512 GB, Radeon 455 2 GB
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 01.01.2013
Prispevkov: 952
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #737   Objavljeno 13.03.2023 00:37:56
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
lordjimy je napisal/a:
Glede na vso dramo, ki se dogaja bi samo dodal, da mi je po eni strani vseeno, če pride tracker nazaj online ali pa ne.
Glede na vsa pravila, ki so jih imeli je bilo tako ali tako težko imeti dober ratio. Da si takoj izgubil invite, ker nekdo ni uspel imeti dober ratio od teh, ki si jih povabil je bil tudi en bulšit.

Bo pa na koncu vseeno tracker prišel nazaj online, ko se bodo ohladile glave.

Ne vem ne, jaz sem imel required ratio 0.20, da sem lahko downloadal torrente.

Ampak dejanski ratio sem imel 1.6 in ni ravno neka umetnost. Sploh ko imaš mesečne oz. dvomesečne freeleech evente in freeleech tokene.


Pridružen/a: 02.01.2012
Prispevkov: 118

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #738   Objavljeno 15.03.2023 07:46:08
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Evo, BS spet deluje Like


Pridružen/a: 03.06.2012
Prispevkov: 17
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Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #739   Objavljeno 15.03.2023 08:52:24
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih

Prosim za povabilo če ga ima kdo...Hvala
Stevie Jabuk

Stevie Jabuk

Pridružen/a: 10.02.2012
Prispevkov: 623

Poglej uporabnikov profil
Prispevek: #740   Objavljeno 15.03.2023 10:09:17
Re: Povabila na BS
Odgovori s citatom Dodaj uporabnika na seznam ignoriranih
Tudi jaz prosim za povabilo. Hvala. Like

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